
第 4 掌 概念数据库设计


  • 使用 draw.io 绘制 E-R 图
  • draw.io 初始界面,可以不选择存储
  • 绘制完成后,最好保存、下载图形到本地磁盘
  • 图形的保存格式,选择默认的 XML 格式
  • 本地的绘图文件,后续可以在 draw.io 中打开继续编辑
  • 左侧的绘图面板,选择【+更多图形】,找到【实体关系】



  • The company is organized into DEPARTMENTs. Each department has a name, number and an employee who manages the department. We keep track of the start date of the department manager. A department may have several locations.
  • Each department controls a number of PROJECTs. Each project has a unique name, unique number and is located at a single location.
  • We store each EMPLOYEE’s social security number (SSN), address, salary, sex, and birthdate.
    • Each employee works for one department but may work on several projects.
    • We keep track of the number of hours per week that an employee currently works on each project.
    • We also keep track of the direct supervisor of each employee.
  • Each employee may have a number of DEPENDENTs.
    • For each dependent, we keep track of their name, sex, birthdate, and relationship to the employee.



  • 在 dbms-demo 仓库下,创建 04-conceptual-db-design 目录
  • 对上面的公司案例,找出所以实体和属性,用 draw.io 绘制 E-R 图
  • 将图形保存为 01-company-entity.drawio
  • 在上面工作的基础上,找出所有联系集,并对实体和属性做适当的修改
  • 将图形保存为 02-company-relationship.drawio
  • 在上面工作的基础上,细化联系集,标记联系的基数和参与度
  • 将图形保存为 03-company-relationship.drawio
  • 在上面工作的基础上,细化联系集,标记联系的属性、弱实体型和标识联系型
  • 将图形保存为 04-company-relationship.drawio
  • 在上面工作的基础上,整合出完整的 E-R 图
  • 将图形保存为 05-company-entity-relationship.drawio
  • 将上面的图形文件,放到 04-conceptual-db-design 目录下
  • 提交代码仓库,推送到 bitbucket 远程代码仓库